
Showing posts from 2019

Mission 3 Final Product

This is the video me and my group create for the third mission for this mission we decided to do UFC greatest so we picked StoryMap JS to create slides with location before we started working with the website we did research on how to properly use the website and how to add images and locations.Than we had to come up with a plane for the recording part we screen recorded the StoryMap we created and after we recorded us talking trough the presentation it was a tricky thing to do because we had to do each slide in certain speed.In my opinion it was the hardest mission we did because no one had a clear idea how to make their video relevant to the theme.But overall I enjoyed doing this mission because I learned many different thing in how to create a video and also have better understanding how to do something similar in the future and how I can improve on it. Overall I'm happy with what we made but I'm sure we could off made it better.

Mission 3 Things I Learned

From working on the video which was mission 3 I learned a lot about video making and how to work with different websites such as Story Map S and Mapping JS and also how to record the voice and how to properly put it on the Premier Pro which was one of the app which  was the  app we had to use for video.I had a little bit of experience working with that app.I learned how to work with Premier Pro in the class from that class I learned basic things about video editing.It was very interesting working on a video because it was something new something that we didn't do before but it was also much harder than the two previous presentations we did.I also learned that the group your working with is a very important factor with would effect the quality of your work and presentation.I think that we started working on the mission a bit late and Im sure if we started  editing the actual video few days before the submission date our work would be much better.So it is very important to ...

Mission 2 final product

This is the final presentation which me and  my group made for mission 2 Blogging we put a lot of work in to this mission and I personally think it came out really good.We did a lot of research and also worked with many different platforms such as Weebly ,Wix ,Blogger.We picked this mission because we all liked to expand and find out more about blogs and how they became popular.In this mission we were trying to create three different blogs and than criticise them and also compare different blogging platforms in order to see which one is easier to work with.I also did research on what is blogging and why people blog.It was a very interesting topic to cover and I think we did a great job on this mission.In my opinion we definitely improved compare to the other mission 1.

Mission 3

For the third mission me Moe and Abdi decided to do Digital Journalisms before we started we had to do a lot of research firs we found a website called Mapping JS we  learned how to properly use the the website and how to create something that would be relevant to the mission we picked.Than we decided to do a presentation on Facebook and how it developed and how it all started but we weren't happy with and we start looking for an alternative and we found Story Map JS which was a great website and defiantly easier than the Mapping JS and we decided to do the greatest fighters in UFS as we were all interested in boxing and fights so we did a presentation on UFC we also did a little bit of research on how to add locations, images, and  how to put it all together and make it working.For this mission it was really hard to come up with something interesting that we could use for the video that we had to make but I think the topi we picked with the boys was very interesing defini...

Mission 1 Final Product

This is the final presentation me and my group made for the first  mission it was my firs time making a presentation and for this mission we picked Digital Audio and to create this we were using Garage Band to create tracks which was a big part of this presentation and also slides about digital audio which was podcasts and why people listen to it.This presentation didn't really work out well because me and my group mates didn't put 3 of the presentation we made together.But it was very interesting mission to work on I learned h0w to create tracks on the Garage Band which I personally found very interesting and beneficial I think it was a great presentation to start with.

Mission 2 things I learned

During the time working on the blogging presentation I did lots of research and learn lots of new things about blogs and how to make blogs look properly and what to write about in order to find audience.I. worked with three different blogging platforms which helped me to gain experience but eventually I did my blogs on the Blogger because two other platforms  weren't  free.When we put all our slides together I realized that I have to much writing on them but there was no point changing it because we did that 2 days before actual  presentation.I also learned that it is much better doing slides in short sentenses to have less writing and make it more clear to the audience.I also learned how to properly allocate my work time.But overall me and my group were really happy with the presentation even though we had few mistakes but overall it came out really good.I also found it hard to expand on the blogs because I wonted them to be different and unique in some way.When I was ...

Mission 2

For the mission 2 me and me and my group-mates Vince and Julia we decided to do blogging first of all we decided what each of us is going to do in order to  spread work between three  of us.We decided to do three different blogs and work with three different websites in order to create a blog.My blog was a travel blog about Barcelona and different places to visit in there.When I was starting to work on my blog I used Wix and Weebly in order to make a blog but I could not publish them because they were not free.So I decided to do my blogs on the Blogger and publish them there.When I was coming up with idea for my blog I wonted to do something that is relevant to me and something that I would be able to expand on and bring my idea to the reader of my blog.For this mission people in the class were picking which mission they like to do the most there was many choices for the mission for example YouTubing, photography and others and we decided to do blogging I thought it will be a ...

Mission 1 Things I Learned!

At the end of our work on mission 1  I learned how to properly work with a Garage Band and how to create tracks.I also learned how to work in a group and how to communicate during the time working on the project.When we presented our work the biggest problem with it was that we didn't put our presentations together and that was the thing I would definitely improve on my next presentation. There was few dificulties I meet during mission 1.I had to put in lots of research in order to learn how to work with the Garage Band and how to create tracks.It was also hard to communicate as me and my  group-mates  are from different sides of Ireland but eventually we found a way how to create the presentation and communicate all the time.It was my first time working on a project and I think me and my group did a good job so far which I hope would improve in the next presentations.I was really excited to do this presentation and learn new things which would improve my skills.From mis...
One of my favourite places in Barcelona is Park Guell in that park you get the feeling that you are in a fairy-tale town. The park was built by Guell which was trying to build a village for wealthy family's made this place like a decoration in Barcelona. And the fact that you would not be able to see anything like that anywhere else in the world the magnificent architecture, bright colours and amazing nature around the park which is kept very nice and clean. Its a great place to go and visit and I would recommend everyone to go there and visit the park. And it is also free to go there just make sure to bring lots of water with you on a nice sunny day and enjoy it.
Square of Spain It is Barcelona's main transport home which seems to be the heart of the city and all roads as a result leading there. In the Plaza of Spain you can also see the arena were the famous battles took place. It also offers incredible view of the city and fountains along the square. Its one of the places in Barcelona that you have to go and see even the atmosphere is very relaxing and it would definitely make you happy and joyful.
Park of Horta is one of Barcelonas secrets and one of its oldest gardens.The Park was design by the Italian engineer Domenico Bagutti in 1792. There is also a-lot of statues around the Park.At the main entrance you will meet an impressive building which dates back to the 14th century.Its a very nice place to go and visit and take few nice pictures of the park and all of the beautiful things around it.I think it would be great place for people that are interested in photography and also for people who just want to have a good time and wonder around the park or even go to the labirint and have some fun..... 

Mission Creativity 1

                                                     Mission:Creativity Digital Audio  Last week myself and my classmates Andy and Lateef decided to work together on digital audio. We did some research on the mission and after going over all available options for the mission we all decided to do digital audio.Andy had an experience in working with digital audio and showed us how to create tracks by using Garage Band which was very new especially for me and also very interesting and I would love to explore and learn more about this particular topic.Now I'm thinking to do more research on the topic and find out all the little things about it.We also did a and Podcast are audio that can be listened offline.There is a different varieties of podcasts there are musical, educational and entertaining podcasts.there are also funny podcasts an...
                                             Introduction Hello everyone 👋 my name is Roman and I am from Ukraine my Irish story has started 5 years ago in a small town Mullingar.I started and graduated  secondary school in Mullingar.At the moment I'm studying in TU Dublin Blanchardstown Campus. I am studying for a bachelor of arts in Creative Digital Media. I also like sports I like different sports such as soccer and rugby but my favourite one is boxing which I was doing for 2 years but sadly boxing club closed I remember all our lessons which were hard and very interesting at the same time.I also use to play soccer when I was in Ukraine for a local club I was playing soccer  for 3 years which was a great time spend with my teammates and a coach I  learned so many things during that period of time.I learned how to work ...
Test1 Hello everyone!!!