Mission 3 Things I Learned

From working on the video which was mission 3 I learned a lot about video making and how to work with different websites such as Story Map S and Mapping JS and also how to record the voice and how to properly put it on the Premier Pro which was one of the app which  was the  app we had to use for video.I had a little bit of experience working with that app.I learned how to work with Premier Pro in the class from that class I learned basic things about video editing.It was very interesting working on a video because it was something new something that we didn't do before but it was also much harder than the two previous presentations we did.I also learned that the group your working with is a very important factor with would effect the quality of your work and presentation.I think that we started working on the mission a bit late and Im sure if we started  editing the actual video few days before the submission date our work would be much better.So it is very important to have everything done before hand and just work on mistakes.Im still pretty happy with the work me and my group created I have to say it was hard because it was our first time working in the video.Im sure the video we made could definitely be improved and done much better but as I said it all depends on the group your working with and also how responsable  you are.Now I know that in the future if ill be working on the presentation I'm not 100% sure how to do I would start working on it straight away but we learn from mistakes.In my opinion it was a great experience working on the video!!!


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