Mission 1 Things I Learned!

At the end of our work on mission 1  I learned how to properly work with a Garage Band and how to create tracks.I also learned how to work in a group and how to communicate during the time working on the project.When we presented our work the biggest problem with it was that we didn't put our presentations together and that was the thing I would definitely improve on my next presentation.
There was few dificulties I meet during mission 1.I had to put in lots of research in order to learn how to work with the Garage Band and how to create tracks.It was also hard to communicate as me and my  group-mates  are from different sides of Ireland but eventually we found a way how to create the presentation and communicate all the time.It was my first time working on a project and I think me and my group did a good job so far which I hope would improve in the next presentations.I was really excited to do this presentation and learn new things which would improve my skills.From mission 1 I learned a lot of new things and now I know how to make my second presentation better and how to divide work equally in order to make your work look as good as possible.


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