Mission 2 things I learned

During the time working on the blogging presentation I did lots of research and learn lots of new things about blogs and how to make blogs look properly and what to write about in order to find audience.I. worked with three different blogging platforms which helped me to gain experience but eventually I did my blogs on the Blogger because two other platforms  weren't  free.When we put all our slides together I realized that I have to much writing on them but there was no point changing it because we did that 2 days before actual  presentation.I also learned that it is much better doing slides
in short sentenses to have less writing and make it more clear to the audience.I also learned how to properly allocate my work time.But overall me and my group were really happy with the presentation
even though we had few mistakes but overall it came out really good.I also found it hard to expand on the blogs because I wonted them to be different and unique in some way.When I was creating my actual blog I looked at the places I went to in Barcelona and I picked the ones I liked the most and wrote about them in the best way possible to make it attractive to the reader.But there was a lot of different options I could of picked but I decided to do something that I would probably explain the best to people that are reading my blogs.I was actually really happy with what I did and with the final outcome as well.


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