
Showing posts from December, 2019

Mission 3 Final Product

This is the video me and my group create for the third mission for this mission we decided to do UFC greatest so we picked StoryMap JS to create slides with location before we started working with the website we did research on how to properly use the website and how to add images and locations.Than we had to come up with a plane for the recording part we screen recorded the StoryMap we created and after we recorded us talking trough the presentation it was a tricky thing to do because we had to do each slide in certain speed.In my opinion it was the hardest mission we did because no one had a clear idea how to make their video relevant to the theme.But overall I enjoyed doing this mission because I learned many different thing in how to create a video and also have better understanding how to do something similar in the future and how I can improve on it. Overall I'm happy with what we made but I'm sure we could off made it better.

Mission 3 Things I Learned

From working on the video which was mission 3 I learned a lot about video making and how to work with different websites such as Story Map S and Mapping JS and also how to record the voice and how to properly put it on the Premier Pro which was one of the app which  was the  app we had to use for video.I had a little bit of experience working with that app.I learned how to work with Premier Pro in the class from that class I learned basic things about video editing.It was very interesting working on a video because it was something new something that we didn't do before but it was also much harder than the two previous presentations we did.I also learned that the group your working with is a very important factor with would effect the quality of your work and presentation.I think that we started working on the mission a bit late and Im sure if we started  editing the actual video few days before the submission date our work would be much better.So it is very important to ...

Mission 2 final product

This is the final presentation which me and  my group made for mission 2 Blogging we put a lot of work in to this mission and I personally think it came out really good.We did a lot of research and also worked with many different platforms such as Weebly ,Wix ,Blogger.We picked this mission because we all liked to expand and find out more about blogs and how they became popular.In this mission we were trying to create three different blogs and than criticise them and also compare different blogging platforms in order to see which one is easier to work with.I also did research on what is blogging and why people blog.It was a very interesting topic to cover and I think we did a great job on this mission.In my opinion we definitely improved compare to the other mission 1.

Mission 3

For the third mission me Moe and Abdi decided to do Digital Journalisms before we started we had to do a lot of research firs we found a website called Mapping JS we  learned how to properly use the the website and how to create something that would be relevant to the mission we picked.Than we decided to do a presentation on Facebook and how it developed and how it all started but we weren't happy with and we start looking for an alternative and we found Story Map JS which was a great website and defiantly easier than the Mapping JS and we decided to do the greatest fighters in UFS as we were all interested in boxing and fights so we did a presentation on UFC we also did a little bit of research on how to add locations, images, and  how to put it all together and make it working.For this mission it was really hard to come up with something interesting that we could use for the video that we had to make but I think the topi we picked with the boys was very interesing defini...

Mission 1 Final Product

This is the final presentation me and my group made for the first  mission it was my firs time making a presentation and for this mission we picked Digital Audio and to create this we were using Garage Band to create tracks which was a big part of this presentation and also slides about digital audio which was podcasts and why people listen to it.This presentation didn't really work out well because me and my group mates didn't put 3 of the presentation we made together.But it was very interesting mission to work on I learned h0w to create tracks on the Garage Band which I personally found very interesting and beneficial I think it was a great presentation to start with.